
Our commitment is to constantly generate social, environmental and economic value to our groups of interest and communities where we operate.

Sustainability at Regional

Sustainability Model

Sustainability Achievements



The bank’s sustainability strategy is linked to the core activity of the business and therefore is aligned with the mission, purpose and values of the Company.

The Sustainability Directorate, which reports to the Planning and Finance Directorate, is the area responsible for identifying material issues, informing the Board of Directors and managing the strategy determined by the group's sustainable commitment

Listening to our Stakeholders

To ensure that our sustainability strategy is always linked to relevant issues for our stakeholders, every two years we carry out a materiality analysis. To learn more about the study, you can access our latest Materiality Analysis available here.

Transparent Reporting

Since 2016 we included financial, environmental, social and governance aspects of our business in our first Integrated Annual Report using the GRI Methodology. During these years we have constantly reviewed our reporting to ensure we meet investor and stakeholder expectations by best practice standards.

Our latest Annual Report responds to the material issues, as well as to the GRI and SASB reporting frame.

Annual Report

Independent assurance

The contents presented in our annual report are validated by an external consultant and the assurance statement is based on the international ISAE 3000 standard

Additional annual disclosures

Carbon Footprint

Your feedback is important, contact us at:


→ The Environmental Management System is established. Publication of loan impact map in compliance with the Principles for Responsible Banking.


→ Inclusion in the Gender Equality Index (Bloomberg). Signed the Principles for the Empowerment of Women (WEPs). HR PAC2 rating in the evaluation of the Integrity Policy. 15th place in the ranking of the 30 most ethical companies in Mexico by Forbes and AMITAI. Inclusion in the Total Mexico ESG Index. We received the EDGE Certification. Received the Women in Leadership Champion Award. First Annual Report with SASB. Signature of the Principles for Responsible Banking.


→ Global Compact signature. Inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index. First reforestation campaign in the Sierra de Arteaga.


→ Received the Great Place to Work recognition, the ESR Distinctive (CEMEFI), the Women’s Market Champion New Program Award (Financial Alliance for Women) and we are recognized as the best bank in LATAM for SMEs by Euromoney. First Carbon Footprint Report.


→ Launch of Clara Banregio: financial inclusion program. Signing of agreements with the Global Banking Alliance for Women and Movimiento Congruencia. Implementation of flexible hours for employees.


→ First Annual Report Integrated with GRI Methodology. Update of the Code of Conduct.


→ Mentoring program for small and medium companies begins. First personal finance workshops. Recycling program start.

Our commitment with the Sustainable Development Goals

1. No Poverty
Financial Health for our clients
Development of business opportunities for clients in business portfolio

4. Quality Education
Education in personal finance and business

5. Gender Equality
Diversity and inclusion in the workforce
Education in personal finance with a gender perspective

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
Work environment, benefits and development for employees
Career development
Support for SMEs to generate employment

9. Innovation
More accessible products and services thanks to technology
Innovative financial solutions

10. Reducing Inequality
Training for employees and the community for the development of financial skills
Focus on inclusive financial services

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
Environmental Management System
Support to Civil Associations
Internal Training on SDGs

13. Climate Action
Carbon Footprint Calculation
Participation in CDP evaluation

15. Life On Land
Volunteers for preservation of ecosystems including reforestations and cleaning

16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Code of conduct. Best International Practices in Business Ethics
Human rights training and campaign

17. Partnerships for the Goals
Signature of the Global Compact, Women's Empowerment Principles and the Principles of Responsible Banking
Participation on the Sustainability Committee at ABM

Commitments and partnerships

- Financial Alliance for Women
- Global Compact
- UN Women
- EDGE Certified Foundation
- Great Place to Work
- HeforShe

Environmental Impact

The continuous improvement of our environmental performance is an essential pillar in our business operations. We work on measuring, reporting and reducing our negative impact in the environment.

Managing our Environmental Impacts

Our Environmental Management System is aligned with national objectives of adaptation to climate change. Its purpose is the reduction and mitigation of GHG and to contribute to the sustainable development of the organization. This system is based on our Environmental Policy, signed by Banregio’s  CEO.

Environmental Policy

Measuring progress

We have implemented the process of measuring our Carbon Footprint every year since 2017. The results allow us to measure our impact and design new strategies against climate change.

In accordance with the Regulation of the General Law on Climate Change regarding the National Emissions Registry, the NMX-SAA-14064 standard and the GHG Protocol, an organizational approach was considered to establish the limits of the analysis and calculate the carbon footprint of scopes 1, 2 and 3.

Read our latest Carbon Footprint Report here

Connecting our community with nature

We promote the education of preservation and care of the environment among our employees and the community through: all year awareness campaigns, volunteering, training, and employee recognitions.

Also, we created permanent awareness campaigns about climate change, recycling, and on how to have a more sustainable life.


Thinking of new measures to mitigate the effects of climate change, in 2019 we organized for the first time a reforestation volunteer program in partnership with Pronatura. We planted more than 900 stone pines in the company of more than 250 volunteers from Banregio.

Since then we adapted to the new reality through remote activities, such as online workshops and environmental volunteering from home, hand in hand with Construyendo una Sociedad Sostenible (SOSAC), with the intention that our employees continue implementing sustainable practices from home.

Read about our more recent volunteering activities here

Sustainability Course

On our training plan for all employees we have a Sustainability course with the intention of presenting the initiatives and projects of the department and inviting employees to learn on issues related to our Social and Environmental Impacts so they can identified how they contribute to a sustainable business as well as how they can get involved and propose new projects.

Environmental Wink

We recognize those employees who stand out for their participation in environmental activities with the Environmental Wink.

Social Impact

Clara Banregio: Offering financial education with a gender perspective

A platform for education and financial inclusion with a gender perspective that offers: personal consulting, workshops, online courses, opinion based articles and a community where we share money stories with respect and without judgment.

Our community in Clara has access to our bank’s internal and external financial experts that offer different paths in managing one’s own money thus promoting financial independence.

More information at Clara Banregio

Mentoría Banregio: Developing resilient SMEs

The SME segment constitutes one of the main business units for Banregio, that's why we launched Mentoría, a social responsibility program that supports business owners through: mentorship, practical education and connections.

Mentoría Banregio has managed to impact more than 1,500 companies with almost 30 thousand hours of free advice, 120 training and multiple events (now in digital platforms) to create connections with clients, suppliers or key people in their businesses.

More at Mentoría Banregio